"You are not defined by what you do."
I keep repeating this phrase to myself, over and over. As I write my to-do list. As I cross things off. As I realize how little I have crossed off today.
"You are not defined by what you do."
It's no easy task trying to uproot the lie that society has planted in my heart and mind-- that I am defined by the things I do; that I am my achievements. I know deep down that I am so much more than that, but that doesn't make weeding out these thoughts easy. All too often I find myself disappointed at the end of the day by my lack of productivity. I could literally sit for an hour beating myself up, thinking "I should have done this...." or "I can't believe I didn't even get that done."
"You are not defined by what you do."
On the other hand, how often do I sit at the end of the day and ask myself how I served God that day? How often do I take time to thank Him for simply giving me another day to live and breathe and love those around me? New life goal: spend less time worrying about my to-do list, and spend more time focusing on how I can love more and really make the most of each day I am given.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this!!!